Embracing the Unpredictability of Family Photography Sessions

January 10th, 2024

As a family photographer, you quickly learn that working with children is a delightful whirlwind of unpredictability. In my latest job, I was reminded of a universal truth - expect the expected. And this blog post is all about that.


The session was in the beautiful city of Ottawa with a wonderful family. Armed with my trusty Sony Alpha a7IV, we set about capturing some memorable family portraits. But, as the saying goes, 'the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry', and this situation was no different.


The kids, full of youthful energy and free of inhibitions, were more interested in exploring the surroundings than posing for pictures. A typical challenge for an Ottawa family photographer, one might say. However, it's these unplanned moments that often create the most authentic and memorable images.


Just as I was about to capture what seemed like the perfect family moment, one of the young ones decided to go on an impromptu adventure. You know, the kind that involves running away from the camera at the last moment. And that's how I got 'the one that got away' shot. Far from a picture-perfect family portrait, this was a snapshot of real family life - uncensored, chaotic, and utterly beautiful.


Some might see the chaos of photographing kids as a downside. I think it's one of the most rewarding aspects of my job. Every time I look at that photo, I can't help but chuckle. It reminded me of the days when I too, like those young kids, had no grasp of language or the ability to control my impulses. And the result? A raw, unfiltered, and delightful mess.


So, my dear readers, next time you find yourself at a family photo session that seems to be spiraling out of control, remember to take a deep breath and embrace the chaos. You never know, you might just get a 'one that got away' shot of your own.


Until next time, keep expecting the expected!


#ottawa #ottawafamilyphotographer #ottawafamily #familyportraits #sony #sonyalpha #sonya7iv